Construction Materials & Continuing Education
Co-Chair: Bryan Miko, Advanced Drainage Systems
Co-Chair: Stew Lambert, Lambert Technology Solutions
Construction Materials & Continuing Education is a two member committees combined to educate members and non-members on emerging business techniques and new underground construction methods. The construction Materials & Standards 'reaches out' and partners with the American Public Works Association (APWA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA) to introduce their members (municipal managers & consulting engineers) to new construction techniques.
Convention Committee
Chairman: Jeff Delia, Oldcastle Infrastructure
Convention Committee plans and executes the association premiere out of state annual meeting. When the Illinois ground is frozen the members head to to warmer climates for five days to network, have fun, and learn about the industry.
Events Committee
Chairman: Brian Klimes, FOCIS Promotions
Events Committee plans and executes numerous evening events throughout the year. Traditionally, they have four (4) annually: Spring Showcase & Trade Show; UCA's Golf Outing; the Annual Dinner Meeting; and the Christmas Party
Legislative / Governmental Affairs Committee
Co-Chairman: David Henderson, Joseph J Henderson & Son, Inc.
Co-Chairman: Mike Piraino, PirTano Construction Company
Legislative / Governmental Affairs Committee meets to monitor, promote, or oppose legislation important to the underground construction industry. To accomplish this mission it partners with a federal group - The Clean Water Coalition Council (CWCC) - and a state group the Illinois Construction Industry Council (ICIC) - working cooperatively to strengthening our lobbying ability in both governmental centers. Additionally, UCA works with the Illinois Chamber of Commerce (ICC) at the state level and the Water Infrastructure Network (WIN) on the national scene to build a larger consensus for clean water and drinking water funding.
Labor Committee
Chairman: Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Labor Committee is another bedrock member group for the association and this group works closely with the Mid America Regional Bargaining Association (MARBA) to monitor collectively bargained agreements between members and the various construction unions employed by underground construction members. MARBA is a confederation of nine associations from northern Illinois working together to preserve union construction and still achieve the best working agreements for members.
Membership Committee
Co-Chair - Mike Stark, Stark & Son Trenching, Inc.
Co-Chair - Gulzar Singh, Pan-Oceanic Engineering Co.
Co-Chair - Luigi Alberico, J.S. Alberico Construction Co.
The Membership Committee is a collection of associates and contractor members recruiting new members and retaining those companies that have committed to UCA. They work cooperatively with other committees to promote a positive membership image through various programs.
Safety | Risk Management | Utility (Damage Prevention Committee)
Safety Chair - TBD
Risk Mgmt Chair - Matt Fazio, USI Insurance Services
Utility Chair - David Van Wy, Julie Inc.
The Safety | Risk Management | Utility Committee is actually three committees working to promote safe practices on the job. Partners with UCA in this goal are the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA - U.S. Department of Labor), the insurance industry, and local damage prevention councils (Greater Chicago Damage Prevention Council or GCDPD, and JULIE, the One Call System for Illinois outside Chicago's limits). The Risk Management Initiative is a partnership with the insurance industry led by the Houston International Insurance Group (HIIG) to make members aware of risk management initiatives available to them to reduce costs and increase safety awareness. All three organize educational seminars and produce products (DVD's, CD's books and internet pamphlets) FREE for members to use.
Scholarship Committee
Chairman: Gulzar Singh, Pan-Oceanic Engineering Co.
The Scholarship Committee meets to offer scholarships for college and training schools to members and non-members interested in making the underground industry their profession.
Statewide Committee
Chairman: Max Hoerr, Hoerr Construction, Inc.
The Statewide Committee gives a voice to members outside the Chicago area meeting their educational, safety, and labor needs.